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Ward 36 - Scarborough Southwest

Councillor Brian Ashton

100 Queen Street West, Suite A11
Toronto M5H 2N2
416.392.4052 phone
416.696.3685 fax

Brian Ashton's Voting Record:

Votes supporting the community position: 3
Votes against the community position: 1
Absent/Abstained: 1

Brian Ashton is one of the most respected councillors on council. He has been a swing voter on issues in council in the past and has been able to cleverly use his vote to barter influence. His voting record shows that he is clearly in the “mushy middle” of council but his 2000 campaign donations indicates that much of his support comes from business. Ashton is a person who will have a lot of influence on the Miller council. He switched his vote from being in favour of the bridge to the Island Airport in 2002 to opposed in December 2003. He is a man to watch.

Brian Ashton is the chair of the Economic Development and Parks Committee. He sits on the Striking Committee, the Toronto Transit Commission and the Toronto Economic Development Corporation Board.

Ward 36 is located along the waterfront in Scarborough, including the Bluffs and Cliffside Village. Unlike other parts of Scarborough, Ward 36 has a relatively low proportion of immigrants, with first-generation immigrants making up 45% of residents, compared to a city-wide average of 58.3%. The majority of residents, at 57.7%, own rather than rent their homes, and 54% live in houses rather than apartment buildings.
