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Ward 25 - Don Valley West

Councillor Clifford Jenkins

100 Queen Street West, Suite A12
Toronto M5H 2N2
416.395.6408 phone
416.395.6439 fax

Clifford Jenkins' Voting Record:

Votes supporting the community position: 4
Votes against the community position: 1

The appointment of Councillor Joanne Flint by the provincial Conservative government to the OMB created a very tight race for her position in Ward 25. Clifford Jenkins won with less than 100 votes, but what was even more remarkable was that there were seven candidates in the race with over 1,000 votes in the election. A vote recount reconfirmed Jenkins’ election. Thus far on council, Jenkins opposed a bridge to the Island Airport, supported a pesticide ban, and was also was a strong advocate for election finance reforms.

Clifford Jenkins is on the Planning and Transportation Committee, the Nominating Committee and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority.

Ward 25 is the wealthiest ward in the city, with an average household income of $156,896. The ward is home to neighbourhoods such as the Bridle Path, York Mills, and Don Mills. The ward also has one of the lowest immigrant populations in the city, with a first-generation immigrant rate of 41.6%, compared to a city-wide average of 58.3%.
